Site Policy is a free site and therefore all stories are published without payment.

Stories containing acts between consenting adults are welcome.
(the age of consent in the uk is 16)

Mild fetishes within a well written story are fine, extreme or illegal acts are unsuitable for publication.

Reciprocal links to other story sites, or authors archive can be arranged. reserves the right to modify all stories to present them in the best format.



To submit a story, send an email subject line ''Story Submission'' to:
Submission email address

All story submissions are acknowledged.

If sending as a file attachment, your story must be in plain text format. No html or word doc files please.

You must include your name and any pen name you wish the story to be published under.

By submitting a story you are declaring that it is your own work (or that you own the copyright) and consent to its inclusion on It may also be used in full, or part, in emails to members of the site mailing list and for publicity purposes.